* This is a PDF which is emailed once the order is complete. If you would like a printed copy sent in the post, please email me at helen@allsewnupwales.co.uk. It will cost £5 extra for printing and postage. *
This cushion is a fantastic project for any sewing enthusiast, whether new to sewing, or an experienced sewer wanting to make a simple but beautiful cushion cover. The quantity of fabrics recommended should allow you to make two cushions if you arrange your pattern pieces well! Enjoy!
You can also buy a starter kit with everything you need to make the cushion. Find it here!
Terms and conditions – I write these instructions as I want to share these exciting projects with fellow sewing enthusiasts! I would love you to make up the projects and share photos of them online with friends and family. I kindly ask that you credit the pattern to All Sewn Up Wales. The patterns are NOT to be sold on commercially.
Please note – You will be able to download the instructions 3 times in total and it will expire after 90 days.
© 2025 All Sewn Up Wales by Helen Rhiannon. 7 Voylart Close, Dunvant, Swansea SA2 7TZ.